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Lea Stening

Swimming Manawatu has organised an evening with Lea Stening.  Lea is a well known dietitian and nutritionist who has worked in paediatrics and sports nutrition for many years.  You can read more about her here.


When: July 29th 2024 at 7:30pm
Duration: 1 hour plus tea and coffee
Where: Japanese Lecture Theatre
Massey University


For those wishing to so, copies of her book " How to grow an Athlete" will be available for purchase after the talk at a cost of $45.00.


To quote...

"This book is relevant for us all.  Coaches, sports doctors, nutritionalists, athletes and parents."

Dr Geoff Buckett - Medical Director, Eating Disorders Service, Northside West Clinic, Sydney

...and two local coaches who have already attended her presentation...


"Much better that the overtly science stuff that usually focuses on High performance athletes"


"Absolutely fabulous for the age group swimmers we have in our region.  Useable and relatable."